Phase 1: Video 4A
ICT integration in our lessons and in the classroom comprises of so many facets.
Here we will sketch possible ideas for technology application to address general classroom activities:
Computer literacy skills: teach learners on how to use technologies skillfully
Use Inspirational videos to stimulate a positive classroom environment and motivate learning
Constructing learner knowledge using prior knowledge and building on them
Using presentation software to introduce content using multimedia and allowing learners to use it for their own task presentations.
Global connection: Skype/Zoom/Hangouts/ WhatsApp VideoCall: connect with the classroom next door or bring experts into the classroom through video conferencing. Bring the outside world into the classroom
Visual, auditory and kinesthetic Learning: facilitate learning incorporating learning styles
Google Maps - Explore the world
Using Interactive resources
3D experiences: bring objects alive
Use classroom management tools to ensure disciplined and productive learner behaviour
E-Books – using digital textbooks to bookmark specific areas, Highlighting and annotation to assist with learner comprehension and retention.
Internet resources and research skills. Curation and organization allow learners to expand their learning and teachers to direct focus to relevant and good resources.
Phase 1: Video 4B
Activity 9: Searching safe images
Choose an image from one of the links mentioned below:
Consider the grade, subject, topic
Tell us why it is relevant to your grade and subject topic and how it enhances the learning experience
Explore the following sites to help you find royalty-free and free-to-use images
https://images.nasa.gov/ (free to download: videos, images, audio)
Picryl: https://picryl.com
Activity link: Click here
Phase 1: Video 4C
Resource ​
Phase 1: Video 4D
Activity 10: Extend Your Browser!
What are Browser Extensions? (add a pop up here)
Resource link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions
Step 1: Click on the link https://developer.chrome.com/extensions This will take you directly to the Chrome Web Store extensions
Step 2: Search in the store ‘Edit Anything’ or click the link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/edit-anything/kgkhambjbahgejgoaefmekdchedkihln
Step 3: Click on ‘Edit Anything’ offered by Forrest Almasi
Step 4: Add to Chrome (Make sure you are signed into your Google Chrome Account)
Step 5: Let your Facilitator show you now how it works and where to find it.
What is Edit Anything
Edit Anything is a simple extension that allows you to edit text on any website. Click the pencil icon to turn text editing on or…
Edit Anything is a simple extension that allows you to edit text on any website. Click the pencil icon to turn text editing on or off.
Edit Anything respects your privacy and does not record any of your data.
Phase 1: Video 4E
Reflection is essential in the improvement of our teaching strategies. It is important to ask ourselves the relevant questions? Be unafraid of failing, meet failing attempts with trying victories. Failure is FUN. Try and try again, it can only teach new and better ways to enhance learning and about our own capacity to move forward and be change agents.
Ask yourself?
How can you improve on your daily curriculum activities and use lesson planning tools?
What makes my job boring?
What routine activities do I do?
How can I do the same thing differently?
What makes the device special?
How do I become an expert?