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eLearning Training Menu
Technology Adoption & Transformation Hub
Digital Teaching and Learning
Western Cape Education Department is dedicated to provide teachers and officials access to ICT professional development opportunities with a focus on Digital Learning. Digital teaching and learning describes educational practice that uses appropriate digital tools and resources to strengthen a teacher's teaching and a learner's learning experience resulting in more effective achievement of curriculum learning objectives. Digital learning, as used in the national Professional Development Framework for Digital Learning is therefor a more modern expression of ICT integration which in itself is a broader concept than ICT skills.
The eLearning directorate is hosting different training opportunities across the province available to WCED educators and officials. The training menu is categorised into four different developmental levels to provide a wide variety of skillsets on the technology and pedagogy matrix. These developmental levels are based on practical experience of school transformation journeys and national guideline documents which emphasize TPACK, SAMR, Andragogy, and the Professional Development Framework for digital learning (DBE, 2018). From here the matrix were developed and implemented as of April 2020 to categorise Directorate eLearning's training menu:

Developmental Levels
Device introductions within the context of teaching and learning including product demonstrations. Demonstrate the affordances of technology to enhance memorisation, question and answer techniques, learner participation, digitisation and data-driven decisions.
Understand digital learning and other eFundamental to work smarter with product tools, refine online searches; explore worksheet/QR code generators, interactive resources, digital story telling and project based learning to transform teaching and learning practice.
Teach smarter using classroom management tools, collaborative tools, and video tools. Explore transformative pedagogies to infuse technology into curriculum. Learn about digital teaching and learning best practice while also creating a portfolio of evidence.
Demystify educational trends and explore emerging technologies, transformative pedagogies and making data driven decisions. Explore game-based learning, coding, robotics and virtual learning environments with high level of learner participation while developing change agency.
Download the latest DEL TPD information pack which includes the:
Flexible Training Plan: Adoption and Transformation categories
Training Menu
Monthly planning per training unit